Saturday, December 22, 2012

Going 'Home'.

I'm going to a boarding school America from 9th to 12th grade. It's official.
You know what that means?

I started a devotion on cutting.

Day One. [12.22.2012]

"People have been cutting themselves for various reasons for a long time. We even have record of it in the Old Testament. Often times, the pain caused by the cutting is used to mask some other, often greater pain they are experiencing. Cutting is the fruit of a problem stemming from a deeper issue in the root. Today, begin to open yourself up to God, that he would bring you relief from all of the pain in your life - physical and emotional."

It's so hard to remember though. It really is.


AVY said...

Nothing is ever easy but we must get through it because what else is there?

/ Avy

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